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managed to get in the zone for a bit and get over 100

I love this game! Only issue is when an order can't be fulfilled because that dish doesn't appear before the order times out.

Once I knew which plates to clean and the pattern of the plates, it became really addictive. Can't get over 40 plates but I didn't try harder :D

Lots of fun. Neat twist to be predicting where the discs are so you can collect them. Ran into situations where the dish I was looking for didn't spawn in, though. Both times it was a white round one. If you're looking to continue the project that should be fixed.

Cool concept but I don’t get why I loose, is it because I have too many orders ? or an order for too long ?


Yeah it's not the most obvious thing unfortunately but I didn't have time to improve it- always look at the top order and make sure it doesn't get to 0

I wish washing dishes in real life could be this fun! This was great! I got invested in trying to get a better score! The game mechanics felt tight and responsive, my only complaint would be that it felt like the dishes had some iffy collision with the player. Made it feel like I sometimes felt like I got cheated out of a plate. :x

Regardless, I had a blast with this game. My top score was 30. Give it a try, it’s quite addicting!

I made a video with my commentary and experiences. Keep up the fantastic work!

Wow thank you so much for making this video :D